FAQs (by Dean Brown)



Why Google Calendars

Can I set up a calendar on my own?


How do I sign up?

Can I edit any calendar?


How to edit

Please practice!

Sometimes it seems like the edit doesn't 'take'

Can I invite others?

Can the whole world see this website?

Who can edit the calendar?

Who puts in all the info?

Could this site have other uses?

Who pays for the website itself?

Why isn't the province or health authority doing this?

Can I print these caledar pages?

Are we stuck with the name, deanbrown.ca?



To provide a  site where NS GPs maintain their call and weekend rounds schedules.


Why Google Calendars   

After much research, I realized that it works very well for our purposes.

It's free, minimal advertising, extremely flexible, pretty easy to use, and the calendars can be grouped together at one website. Moreover, we can add collaborative tools ( eg blogs, documents etc), still free, at some later date.


Can I set up a calendar on my own?

Yes, you can create a Google calendar for yourself and/or a group anytime. However, it's a bit technical, and the URL is usually tough to remember. For simplicity it made sense to put it together on one site with a simple name.


TimeLine                                                                                                                    TOP

I suggest we run this site on a trial basis until approximatley June 1st, 2007. If it works well, then we can move it to a better URL, eg 'northshoredocs.com', and maintain it longterm.


How do I sign up?

It's simple:

1) Sign up for a google account at www.google.com  -  you just need an email address and a password. Make sure it's the same email that was used when we created your group calendar (usually the one on the LGH list).

2) You should now be able to edit!

Most of the call and rounds groups schedules are already up, so just update it when something changes - trades, illness etc.


Can I edit any calendar?

No, only the ones you belong to.



Any feedback is appreciated; we need to know how it's working and whether to continue.


How to edit

Click on the day you want to edit; a box comes up, type in or change the name of whoever is on call. There is room for additional comment: eg 'Lee to 5PM then Bergstromt. Alternately, you can click the 'Google' icon, top left, to bring up an editable calendar.


Please practice!                                                                                                         TOP

Good software takes time to learn! Please try your hand at editing some of the entries in your calendar, it's really quite easy. This is critical to the 'self-sustaining' nature of it: each person should be comfortable to update.


Sometimes it seems like the edit doesn't 'take'?

You may need to refresh the page (click the Refresh icon, or press F5); this usually works.


Can I invite others?

Only the group leader, and I, can 'invite' others, by editing the calendar set-up. For simplicity and to prevent errors, most users weren't given that capability. If your group changes, tell me or your group leader.


Can the whole world see this website?

Yes, but only designated members (ie group docs) can change it. In reality, I can't imagine many people going to the site other than us and hospital staff.


Who can edit the calendar?

Only the docs in the group.


Who puts in all the info?                                                                                        TOP

So far, I've done a lot of it, along with group leaders. Ultimately, we'll need a volunteer from each call and rounds group to do it once a year, and to keep an eye on things ie change the calendar when group membership changes. These people exist, they simply need to be comfy doing it here.


Could this site have other uses?

Yes, we could do a lot. But first we need to see if it's worth continuing.


Who pays for the website itself?

The website cost is separate from the calendars, which are free.

So far, I'm covering it, but it's nominal (a few hundred dollars a year) and should be easy to fund long term.


Why isn't the province or health authority doing this?

They're trying! Other web projects are underway to help BC GPs, such as www.pccentral.vch.ca.  and CareConnect. But it will be a while before they're viable - it's a long, expensive process. Ours is an interim solution. When VCH has a better site, we'll go there.


Can I print these caledar pages?                                                                        TOP



Are we stuck with the name, www.deanbrown.ca?

No, we should switch to a better name at the first opportunity, if the site proves useful