PSP RegistryManager
For downloading and installing PSP RegistryManager
Contact your PSP Support Team for more information and support on installing and using CDM CareManager.
Basic Installation
- All files must live in C:/PSP/CDM
- There are 3 files:
- cdmmanager.exe - the program itself
- CDMTables.abs - Supporting data: MSP billing items, complex care fees etc. This allows us to give you updated info as needed, without disturbing your patient data
- Ptdata.ABS - Patient data, initially 'dummy data'. Please feel free to delete these characters once you are comfortabe with the program!
Installation Options
- The whole thing - ideal when you're starting. Simply download this zip file, then click on it. It puts the
files in the right place (as above). But please note, if you already use CareManager that this will overwrite your data.!! You'll be starting over with dummy data - Mickey and Donald and friends.
- The other option
- cdmmanager.exe - the executable - when you just need the latest tweaks on the interface -doesn't touch your data
Using RegistryManager
The program maintains patient information, plus registries on 49 conditions.
Tracks Complex Care Plans and billings.
Maintains individual data on 5 conditions (BP, CHF, CKD, COPD, and DM).
Maintains aggregate data on these 5 conditions, for individual patients, and for your practice.
Other Features
- Complex Care Billing Items
- Care Plans
- Conditions and Measures
- Maintain a list of websites, that open in a new browser window when clicked.
- Pre-populated with a number of highly useful websites...
- Additional Menu Items
- Flowsheets - all current flowsheets are available by clicking the Flowsheets menu item.
- Word Processor - a good word processor is found on the Tools menu item - opens and saves files as text and Rich Text format, and embeds copies of documents prepared with other programs.
- Backup - cllcking Tools|Backup creates a copy of the data file, on your hard drive.
Optimizing CareManager
- Resolution
- Runs best on 1280x800 or above.